Orange Bell Sleeve Dress

Miley Cyrus – Adore You



I’m in love with the style of this orange dress. It’s very trendy right now and, to me, it’s very Zara like, which is a plus. The bell sleeves are absolutely amazing on this dress as well as it’s silhouette. The neckline is very flattering and the buttons in front make this dress very chic. The fabric, a combination of cotton and linen, feels very durable. And of course I have to mention the color. This beautiful orange color will definitely make you stand out. 

I paired this dress up with my favorite straw bag this summer and a pair of wood earrings that I have to tell you, are so fabulous. Do I have to say they were only $3? Yes, really!!! Again, they are very trendy these days and I thought they went well with the overall look.





